Search committees named for high-level positions
Several search-and-screen committees for high-ranking university positions have been established and are beginning their work.
One of the committees is charged with finding the first permanent director for the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
Former chancellor John Wiley has served as interim director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery since November 2008. Waisman Center director Marsha Mailick Seltzer, chair of the search committee and professor of social work, served as the institute’s first interim director from 2006–08.
The search committee also includes John Denu, professor of biomolecular chemistry and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Epigenetics theme leader; Brian G. Fox, professor of biochemistry; Sara Guyer, associate professor of English and director of the Center for the Humanities; Derek Hei, senior scientist at the Waisman Clinical BioManufacturing Facility; Sangtae Kim, executive director of the Morgridge Institute for Research; Miron Livny, professor of computer sciences and director of core computational technology at the Morgridge Institute for Research; Petra Schroeder, assistant dean for research services in the UW–Madison Graduate School; and John Yin, professor of chemical and biological engineering and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Systems Biology theme leader.
Another committee is seeking a vice chancellor of research and dean of the Graduate School. The post was created as part of a reorganization designed to retain a close relationship between research and graduate education.
The committee will include chair William Tracy, the newly named interim dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Other members include Steve Ackerman, professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences; Janet Branchaw, faculty associate, School of Education; Katharine Broton, research assistant, School of Education; Daryl Buss, dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine; Aaron Crandall, university grants and contracts specialist; Juan dePablo, professor of chemical and biological engineering; Norman Drinkwater, professor of oncology; Wayne Feltz, assistant scientist, Space Science and Engineering Center; Janet Hyde, professor of psychology; Anne Miner, professor of business; Richard Moss, professor and associate dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health; Ann Palmenberg, professor of biochemistry; Norma Saldivar, professor of theater and drama; Joseph Salmons, professor of German; and Tobias Wolf, university business specialist, School of Medicine and Public Health.
Committees will also be appointed to find deans for the School of Business and Law School.
Those who have agreed to serve on the committee looking for the Business School dean include Susan Babcock, professor of materials science and engineering; Matthew Beemsterboer, undergraduate student; Mark Bugher, director of University Research Park; Law School dean Ken Davis; Jon Hammes, chair and chief executive officer of the Hammes Co.; Jan Heide, professor of business; Binnu Hill, business school director of diversity and climate; Kemllen Lee, graduate student; Stephen Malpezzi, professor of business; Mark Matosian; senior student services coordinator in the School of Business; Elizabeth Odders-White, associate professor of business; Jeffrey Russell, chair and professor of civil and environmental engineering; John Karl Scholz, professor of economics; Hollis Skaife, associate dean and professor of business; and Ann Terlaak, assistant professor of business. Business professor Donald Hausch is expected to chair the committee.
Those who have agreed to serve on the committee looking for the Law School dean include state Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley; Tonya Brito, professor of law; R. Alta Charo, professor of law; Anuj Desai, associate professor of law; Meg Gaines, clinical professor of law; Gail Geiger, professor of art history; Robert Golden, dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health; Linda Greene, professor of law; law student Purnita Howlader; Jerlando Jackson, associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis; Heinz Klug, associate dean and professor of law; Mary Ray, senior lecturer in the Law School; attorney Daniel Rottier; Brad Snyder, assistant professor of law; and law student Michelle Yun. Law professor and associate dean Kathryn Hendley is expected to chair the committee.