Madison Meals for Haiti continues relief efforts
Just over two months since the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti, the world’s attention has largely turned to other issues. The need for help, however, remains just as strong. Now, a group in Madison hopes to mobilize volunteers in support of those still suffering from the earthquake’s devastation.
A massive effort to pack at least 500,000 nutritionally balanced meals will take place from Thursday–Saturday, April 8–10, in conjunction with the relief organizations Kids Against Hunger and Relief International. Ann Terlaak, assistant professor of management and human resources in the School of Business, and Karen Young, clinical professor of pathobiological sciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine, are spearheading participation by UW–Madison community members of all ages.
The event takes place at the Airport Road Business Park (near Keva Sports), 8233 Forsythia St., Middleton. The space was donated by Madison Golf and Development Group LLC; Kids Against Hunger donated the equipment to streamline the packaging process.
A volunteer covering one 90-minute shift will prepare and pack approximately 216 meals. Shifts are available between 6–9 p.m. on April 8–9, and from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. on April 10. Kids ages 5 and up can help with packaging the meals.
By bagging and boxing dried ingredients, volunteers will provide six nutritionally balanced meals per bag. A trucking company will take the boxes to Miami to go to Haiti via a cargo ship. Once in Haiti, the meals will be delivered by Relief International.
The organization asks each volunteer to donate 90 minutes and $25, which pays for more than 200 meals. Donations will support volunteers that cannot cover the cost of the meals that they pack, as well as help pay for transporting the meals to Haiti. Because the event is staffed entirely by volunteers, each dollar donated will go toward providing the meals to Haitians.
Those unable to attend the event who still wish to contribute have options. Donations of funds will be accepted at the event by cash or check; checks may also be sent to Treasurer: Madison Meals for Haiti, 1716 Waldorf Blvd., Madison, WI 53719.
Online donations are also being accepted through PayPal. All donations to Madison Relief Organization are tax deductible; PayPal donors will receive an automated receipt.
Contact Ann Terlaak, Jeanette Yoder at 575-0224, or visit