Employees contribute to Partners in Giving despite economy
State, university and UW Hospital and Clinics employees contributed generously to the 2009 Partners in Giving charity fundraising campaign in spite of the state of the economy, furloughs, layoffs and retirements.
As of Jan. 25, the campaign had raised $2,869,357. With contributions still coming in, the total dollar amount raised is 98 percent of that raised by the same time last year and almost 96 percent of the $3 million goal.
University employees gave more than $1.3 million, as did state agency employees, and UW Hospital and Clinics employees contributed just over $234,000.
There were about 360 fewer givers in the 2009 campaign — 8,788 compared to 9,144 in 2008. The number of university contributors was 3,415, a drop of 127. Contributors on the state side numbered 4,537, which was 239 fewer than in 2008. At UW Hospital and Clinics, the number of contributors went up — 836, compared to 826 at this time in 2008.
“I am extremely gratified by the generosity of the students, staff, and faculty who participated in the 2009 campaign,” says university campaign chair Gary Sandefur, dean of the College of Letters & Science. “It was a very successful campaign in a very difficult economic time, and I very much appreciate the enthusiasm and efforts of the many individuals who worked hard to make it so.”
Sandefur is stepping down as chair of the university campaign after serving in that role for the past four years. Katharyn May, dean of the School of Nursing, will replace him.
Contributions turned in before this Friday, Jan. 29, will be included in the departmental, school and college totals used to determine campaign fundraising awards. Late contributions are always welcome.
Employees who would like to contribute to Haitian relief efforts through related organizations in the Partners in Giving campaign can go to Partners in Giving: Contributing to Disaster Relief in Haiti.
Partners in Giving Appreciation Day will be celebrated at the Badger women’s basketball game at the Kohl Center on Sunday, Feb. 28. Campaign contributors are eligible to receive complimentary tickets to the game. If you haven’t received your order form yet, check with your campaign coordinator.