Emergency text messages available to faculty, staff
More than 20,000 members of the UW–Madison community are subscribed to WiscAlerts-Text, the university’s emergency text messaging service.
As a faculty or staff member, you are eligible to sign up. Enrolling is simple and takes just a few moments. You can enroll by logging into the My UW portal and looking for the WiscAlerts logo.
The service is free, but you will be responsible for normal short messaging service (SMS) charges from your cellular provider. Once you have registered your 10-digit mobile phone number, you will receive a confirmation text message indicating you have successfully subscribed. If you do not receive a confirmation text message, double-check to ensure you have submitted a textable number
The service will be used to send critical safety information from the UW Police Department. It will be reserved for the highest level of emergency and will never be used for advertising or spam.
To enroll or for more information about this service, visit the My UW portal.
For complete information about campus safety and emergency notifications, visit http://www.safeu.wisc.edu.