About: The Wisconsin Experience in Motion: Physical Therapy in Belize
As part of her semester break, Dean of Students Lori Berquam has accompanied three UW–Madison faculty members and four students on a two-week service-learning trip to Punta Gorda, Belize.
The educational travel fellowship is aimed at giving students in the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation’s physical therapy program the opportunity to develop community education programs on disability and to perform service projects for the community and for families of those with disabilities.
Faculty members on the trip are physical therapy faculty director Lisa Steinkamp, faculty associates Jill Boissonnault and Karen Patterson and adjunct faculty member Jeff Hartman. Participating students are Rachel Wise of Madison, Becca Stocker of Darlington, Ed Rothbauer of Chippewa Falls and Sally Bobula of Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
The program is being conducted through the Center for Global Health in the School of Medicine and Public Health.