ReachOut program works on sustainable options for homeless
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is partnering this winter with the City of Madison and Downtown Madison Inc. on a program to assist Madison’s homeless.
The ReachOut program is asking members of the campus community to do something counter-intuitive — not give money to panhandlers during this holiday season.
Panhandling can become a way of life for some, according to Downtown Madison Inc. President Susan Schmitz.
“While many people are truly in need, giving spare change to a person panhandling is only a short-term solution,” she says. “Your kindness may only reinforce negative behavior.”
Instead of giving money to a person panhandling, ReachOut encourages the following:
- Educate others about how to give and get help to Madison’s street community. Get a free ReachOut Resource Guide from a State Street area business. The guide has phone numbers and information about local shelters and other social services.
- Give a gift of cash. Make a tax-deductible donation directly to the non-profits who are trained to work with those in need.
- Give a gift of time. Madison’s service agencies could not survive without the help of volunteers.
- Walk with confidence–the streets of Madison belong to all of us.
- Above all, please do not give directly to people panhandling. Research shows that often money received from panhandling goes to alcohol, drugs and cigarettes and not to food and shelter.