Several opportunities to say goodbye to Union South planned
Students, faculty, staff and community members will have several chances to say goodbye to Union South, which will be decommissioned in December and demolished in early 2009.
Opened in 1971, Union South will make way for a larger, improved, “green” south campus union that will open in spring 2011.
Events to commemorate Union South:
Saturday, Nov. 22: Public farewell at the last Badger Bash, UW–Madison vs. Cal Poly, beginning two hours before kickoff
Friday, Dec. 5: Student farewell. The Wrecking Ball,” including DJs at the last Club 770, with dances, karaoke, free snacks, the last Midnight Movie (“Young Frankenstein”) and more
Thursday, Dec. 18: Last staff holiday event
Saturday, Jan. 10: Final farewell for former and current staff
Those with memories of Union South can share them online.
For the 2009 and 2010 football seasons, Badger Bash will move to Engineering Mall, then will return to the plaza of the new south campus union.
Many staff and services will move to the former University Health Services (UHS) building at 1552 University Ave. UHS has moved to the new Student Activities Center. The building, temporarily dubbed “Breese Terrace Union” or BTU, will house several staff from Union South, the warehouse, a DoIT computer lab, lounge and meeting space, Mini Course classrooms, and offices for Union staff and registered student organizations.