Events cancelled due to the weather
Numerous UW–Madison campus events are being cancelled in response today’s extremely icy conditions.
City of Madison and Dane County officials are urging people not to travel on the icy roads. If you must travel to campus, please call ahead to ensure your event is still scheduled.
In addition, Madison Metro is not operating today.
Sunday’s weather forecast for the Madison area calls for periods of snow, freezing rain and sleet before noon, then periods of rain, snow and sleet in the afternoon. The snow could be heavy at times with new snow and sleet accumulation of 6 to 10 inches possible and heavy winds.
A partial list of closings follows and will be updated as available:
All Chazen Museum of Art events are cancelled.
The 1 p.m. Wonders of Physics events in Chamberlain Hall is cancelled. No plans to reschedule are yet available.
Ebling, Wendt, Business and College libraries will all close at 1 p.m. today.
All of the other campus libraries did not open today.
As of 1 p.m. all campus libraries will be closed for the remainder of the day.
Memorial Union and Union South will close at 8 p.m.
Recrealtional Sports facilities are open.
Skate with the Badgers and and the Bucky’s Buddies Women’s Hockey Skills Clinic have both been cancelled.
There will be no SAFE Nighttime Services, including SAFE Walk, SAFE Cab or any bus service.
Please visit the university events calendar for other updates and contact information for events.
Physical Plant crews are working continously to clear streets and
sidewalks, while also trying to clear areas around storm drains.
Tags: traffic