Mass e-mail letter from Dean of Students regarding fire safety
Dear UW–Madison Student,
As I’m sure you’ve already heard, the campus community experienced a tragic loss this weekend as a result of a house fire. This event comes just one week after an apartment fire that affected several dozen students.
Our hearts go out to all of the students and their families affected during these difficult events. We deeply appreciate the assistance from the Madison Fire Department, the Red Cross and other agencies.
As dean, it is my hope to avoid a repeat of these incidents.
I recognize that it is an extremely busy time of the semester, but please take a few minutes today to look around your house, apartment or residence hall room. The causes of these recent fires are undetermined, but there are several things you can always do to reduce your risk. They include:
- Smoke detectors: Make sure you have working smoke detectors with new batteries mounted on the wall. Never, ever, disable the unit. If you don’t have smoke detectors, contact your landlord.
- Take great care with lit candles, incense or cigarettes.
- Keep a fire extinguisher in your apartment or house.
- Come up with an escape plan. If you have a fire escape, know how to access it.
- Consider purchasing fire or renters insurance.
If you have been affected by either of these incidents and are in need of help, please call the Offices of the Dean of Students at (608) 263-5700.
If you have questions about fire safety, please call the Madison Fire Department at (608) 266-5947 or visit
Lori Berquam
Dean of Students