Ask Bucky
Ask Bucky is a service provided by Visitor and Information Programs. For more information, call 263-2400, visit the Campus Information Center in the Red Gym or the new Welcome Center, 21 N. Park St., or visit us at edu. Below are two questions Ask Bucky recently answered.
Q: I’m new to campus and heard that UW–Madison has a wonderful art museum. Where is it and is there a new exhibit coming?
A: The Chazen Museum of Art, located at 800 University Ave., is one of America’s leading university art museums and has a collection of more than 15,000 works of art dating from 2300 B.C. to the present. Through Nov. 26, Chazen will host an exhibit on the Ukrainian sculptor Alexander Archipenko. The museum is open from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and from 11 a.m.–5 p.m. on weekends. For more information about this exhibit or the Chazen Museum of Art, visit or call 263-2246.
Q: I was wondering if UW–Madison offered classes in boxing that I could take. If so, where would I go to sign up for them?
A: Although UW–Madison does not offer courses in boxing, there is a course titled “Boxing Fundamentals” offered through the Wisconsin Union Mini Course program. Wisconsin Union Mini Courses are noncredit courses open to UW–Madison students, staff, faculty, and Wisconsin Union members and guests. To sign up for this course or see a listing of the more than 300 noncredit courses offered each semester through the Mini Course program, visit or call 262-3156.
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month
The Office of Campus Information Security reminds all students, faculty and staff to practice safe computing. “Taking a few critical precautions can greatly reduce users’ exposure to risks online,” says Jim Lowe, chief information security officer. “The campus’ information security Web site at, the DoIT Help Desk and departmental IT staff are all excellent resources for helping faculty and staff understand what measures they should be taking.”
Visit for a list of free campus events being offered as a part of Cyber Security Awareness Month.