2002-03 faculty promotions and new appointments
Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Robin Shepard, Life Sciences Communication; Elizabeth Goodwin, Genetics (also Medical School Genetics).
School of Business
Neeraj Arora; Mason Carpenter.
School of Education
Michelle Grabner, Art; William Hoyt, Counseling Psychology; Timothy Solien, Art; Gelsy Verna, Art; Jin-Wen Yu, Kinesiology.
College of Engineering
Patrick Eagan, Engineering Professional Development; Daniel Noguera, Civil & Environmental Engineering.
School of Human Ecology
Sonya Clark; Lynet Uttal.
Law School
Gregory Shaffer; Heinz Klug.
College of Letters and Science
Margaret Beissinger, Slavic Languages; Alan Carroll, Geology & Geophysics; Kenneth Goldstein, Political Science; Diane Gooding, Psychology; Philip Haile, Economics; Eddie Harmon-Jones, Psychology; Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel, Mathematics; Silvia Montiglio, Classics; Junko Mori, East Asian Languages & Literature; Kristopher Olds, Geography; Mark Pollack, Political Science; Jenny Saffran, Psychology; Dhavan Shah, Journalism & Mass Communication; Benjamin Singer, Communication Arts, Susan Zaeske, Communication Arts.
Medical School
Howard Bailey, Medicine; Bryan Becker, Medicine; Catherine Fox, Biomolecular Chemistry; David Jarrard, Surgery; Timothy Kamp, Medicine; David Katz, Medicine; Amy Moser, Human Oncology; Grace Panganiban, Anatomy; Dandan Sun, Neurological Surgery; Bruce Thomadsen, Medical Physics; James Thomson, Anatomy.
School of Pharmacy
David Mott.
Promotion from Associate to Full Professor
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
John Bamberg, Horticulture; Chris Boerboom, Agronomy; Mark Etzel, Food Science; Brian Fox, Biochemistry; William Hickey, Soil Science; Jacqueline Hitchon, Life Sciences Communication; Charles Kasper, Food Microbiology & Toxicology; Nancy Keller, Plant Pathology; James Lagro Jr., Urban & Regional Planning; Joseph Lauer, Agronomy; Allen Laughon, Genetics (also Medical School Genetics); Patrick Masson, Genetics; James Nienhuis, Horticulture; James Ntambi, Biochemistry (also Nutritional Science); Susan Paskewitz, Entomology; Leann Tigges, Rural Sociology.
School of Business
David Antonioni; Stephen Malpezzi; Timothy Riddiough.
School of Education
Julia Koza, Curriculum & Instruction; Thomas Loeser, Art.
College of Engineering
James Blanchard, Engineering Physics; Yu Hen Hu, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Regina Murphy, Chemical Engineering; Leslie Smith, Mechanical Engineering (also L&S Mathematics); Fabian Waleffe, Engineering Physics (also L&S Mathematics).
Law School
Elizabeth Mertz; Victoria Nourse.
College of Letters and Science
Sandra Adell, Afro-American Studies; Craig Berridge, Psychology; Sergey Bolotin, Mathematics; Katherine Bowie, Anthropology; Richard Chappell, Statistics (also Biostatistics & Medical Informatics); Michael Curtin, Communication Arts; Dennis Demets, Geology & Geophysics; Mitchell Duneier, Sociology; Jo Ellen Fair, Journalism & Mass Communication; Lewis Friedland, Journalism & Mass Communication; Sharon Hutchinson, Anthropology; Brian Hyer, School of Music; Anthony Ives, Zoology; Stanlie James, Afro-American Studies; Robert Kaiser, Geography; Nietzchka Keene, Communication Arts; Zheng-Yu Liu, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences; Michael Newton, Statistics (also Biostatistics & Medical Informatics); Zhongdang Pan, Communication Arts; Ronald Radano, School of Music; Peter Timbie, Physics; Uri Vardi, School of Music.
Medical School
Onofre DeJesus, Medical Physics; James Ervasti, Physiology; Thomas Grist, Radiology; Patricia Kiley, Biomolecular Chemistry; Minesh Mehta, Human Oncology; George Royce, Anatomy; Paul Rutecki, Neurology; Susan Skochelak, Family Medicine; Ronald Wakai, Medical Physics.
School of Nursing
Susan Heidrich; Mary Keller.
School of Pharmacy
Warren Heideman.
Division of Continuing Studies
Susan Paddock, Professional Development & Applied Studies.
New Tenured Appointments
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Alan Attie, Biochemistry; Michael Bell, Rural Sociology.
School of Business
Michael Knetter.
School of Education
Alberto Cabrera, Educational Administration; Mary Lee Nelson, Counseling Psychology.
College of Engineering
David Zimmerman, Industrial Engineering; Ian Hiskens, Electrical & Computer Engineering.
Law School
D. Gordan Smith.
College of Letters and Science
Xiuxiong Chen, Mathematics; Catherine Kautsky, School of Music; Alexander Kieselev, Mathematics; Russ Shafer-Landau, Philosophy; Mary L. Roberts, History; Cora Marrett, Sociology.
Medical School
Kenneth Kudsk, Surgery; Stephen Nakada, Surgery; F. Javier Nieto, Population Health Sciences; Howard Rowley, Radiology; Giulio Tononi, Psychiatry; Michael Lucey, Medicine; B. Jack Longley, Dermatology; David Carlton, Pediatrics.
School of Veterinary Medicine
David Argyle, Medical Sciences.
New Tenure-Track Faculty
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Jeremy Foltz, Agriculture & Applied Economics; Theresa Schenck, Life Sciences Communication; Michael Thomas, Bacteriology; Hasan Khatib, Dairy Science; David Shoemaker, Entomology; Hui-Chuan Lai, Nutritional Science; Cynthia Stiles, Soil Science; Nicholas Balster, Soil Science; Susan Thering, Landscape Architecture; Rogerio Borges, Agronomy.
School of Business
Larry Hunter; Andrew Roper; Jonathan Eckhardt; Lori Holder-Webb; Aric Rindfleisch.
School of Education
Dawnene Hammerberg, Curriculum & Instruction; Mindy Kalchman, Curriculum & Instruction; David Rosenthal, Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education; Kimber Malmgren, Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education.
College of Engineering
David Lynn, Chemical Engineering; David Noyce, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Hongrui Jiang, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Michael Schulte, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Zhenqiang Ma, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Naomi Chesler, Biomedical Engineering; Shiyu Zhou, Industrial Engineering; Darryl Thelen, Mechanical Engineering; Paul Evans, Materials Science & Engineering; Paul Gildrie-Voyles, Materials Science & Engineering.
School of Human Ecology
Charles Hatcher, Consumer Science; Mark Nelson, Environmental Textiles & Design.
College of Letters and Science
Larry Nesper, Anthropology; John Hawks, Anthropology; Robert Livingston, Afro-American Studies; Christina Greene, Afro-American Studies; Anna Andrzejewski, Art History; Jill Casid, Art History; Christopher Day, Botany; Bret Larget, Botany; Lisa Nakamura, Communication Arts; Erik Doxtader, Communication Arts; Helen Blackwell, Chemistry; Martin Zanni, Chemistry; Belinda Henry, Communicative Disorders; Naomi Geyer, East Asian Languages & Literature; Judith Mitchell, English; Caroline Levine, English; Grace Hong, English; Deborah Jenson, French & Italian; Mark Harrower, Geography; Karl Shoemaker, History; Madge Klais, Library & Information Studies; Vivian Lin, Linguistics; Ralf Bennartz, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences; Richard Boyd, Political Science; Glen Close, Spanish & Portuguese; Jorge Porcel, Spanish & Portuguese; Gail Brassard, Theatre & Drama; Janette Boughman, Zoology; Kurt Amann, Zoology; Gary Shiu, Physics; Anthony Auger, Psychology.
Medical School
Judith Houck, Medical History & Bioethics; Richard Keller, Medical History & Bioethics; David Andes, Medicine; Stacey Schultz-Cherry, Medical Microbiology & Immunology; Weixiong Zhong, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Jingwei Yu, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Aimen Shaaban, Surgery; Herbert Chen, Surgery; Ananth Shalev, Medicine.
School of Veterinary Medicine
Adel Talaat, Animal Health & Biomedical Sciences.